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Miss Mori, your pocket sized Friend

A Little Bit About Me

               I'm in my late twenties, and live in the north eastern US. Happily married to a man who endulges all my crazy whims and encourages me to be creative and write. I love cooking, cats, reading, and secretly plotting evil schemes. I work as a casheer at a liquor store while paying my husband's way through college (he's on the Deans List, YAY!) and want to publish a novel before my 30th birthday. I'm part french, and a whole bunch of other stuff, but I love France, wine, the french language, grey goose vodka, grand marnier, Paris, french literature, french politics, and lots of other things french. (french toast and french fries are NOT french.)

             I love making friends, meeting new people, though i'm most comfortable online, where I feel more at ease being myself and i don't find myself struggling to try to be someone i'm not just so people won't judge me. 

             I have a bad habit of getting easily distracted, mainly by Minecraft, where i rarely ever play survival and just build crazy things like medieval palaces or fantasy flying islands. I like video games for their plot and art styles rather than their mechanics, things like Dont Starve, Final Fantasy, and Child of Light are some of my favorites.

Mori, when she was even smaller than she is now.

            I started writing when i was really little, weird short stories and wild imaginings. My father and uncle got me hooked early on good sci-fi and fantasy, so by the time i was 10, i was well read in a lot of classic literature usualy reserved for highschool or adults. Authors like Anne Rice, Anne McCaffery, Tolkein, and Edgar Rice Burroghs were my bread and butter, their characters becoming my friends since where i grew up there weren't any other kids. I started writing down my adventures for fun, not realizing that there were other people like me just waiting to be discovered.

           When I was 12, i discovered the internet, and found an entire community of roleplayers and writers, getting involved with a harry potter RP early on and never looking back.

The Pen, that ever fickle mistress

             I love writing fantasy and Sci-fi, though I'll RP just about anything if the story is good. I'm willing to write anything from G rated fairy tales about little girls who fight dragons to X rated Super hero stories about a young woman with Stockholm syndrome who is a technomage that occasionally gets locked in a storage locker by her electric-powered boyfriend when she gets too uppity. There's very little that I will not explore through writing, because reading and writing is how i choose to explore the world.

             I actually prefer to write about subjects that most people would consider edgy, because its a way to explore human emotion and how we grow and change from our experiences. A wise man once said, "Characters are like Geodes, if you want to see what they're made of, you have to break them." 

             My favorite thing to do when writing is to put a twist on the standard. re-imaginings of greek myths and Fairy tales in other genres, like a Steampunk style Beuty and the Beast, (where the lady is actualy the beast) or a Sci fi retelling of Hades and Persephone. even things like "what if a fantasy world were advanced to the point of 1950s technology?" or "what happens when Mortals decide they want to kill off their living gods?"

            But in the end, there is one thing that stands true. the real reason why I write, why I pour my heart and soul into every word, is because there is nothing else in the world that I would rather do.

Overactive Imaginations that just won't quit

             I got started writing in earnest on that roleplay site, though I started working on other projects not long after, mostly fan fiction that should never ever see the light of day, and poetry, that my mother has unfortunately, made sure saw the light of day as she likes to post my really early stuff on facebook on my birthday. (she's promised to stop when i publish a novel. she calls it incentive. I call it blackmail.)

             When I hit highschool was the first time i started to make friends that weren't on the internet, gamers, nerds, and most excitedly, other writers. I was introduced to Dungeons and Dragons, and found an outlet for a lot of the ideas that wouldn't stop bouncing around in my head. 

             Unfortunately, my senior year, after all my friends had graduated, I had an English teacher that was the bane of my existence. He tore apart everything I wrote, failed my papers for the most inane of reasons, and all because he had a bone to pick with my older cousin. I stopped writing because of him. for nearly 6 years.

             It wasn't until I turned 24 that i started writing again, at the encouragement of my friends, family, and boyfriend who later became my husband.

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